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Why You Should Use WordPress Website For Business

Unlock the power of WordPress for your business

Explore the myriad benefits of a WordPress website for your business, from easy management and robust security to mobile-friendliness and seamless integrations, ensuring a professional and responsive online presence.


A WordPress website goes a long way! Companies and individuals all over the world have taken the stats to 74 million WordPress websites. This crazy number is so well justified by their loyalty towards this highly powerful Content Management System (CMS).

You might just be starting up your business with no website right now, or you might have spent some months or years in your business with a website that you don’t seem to care about.

Your business website is the face of your company online and it has to be presentable, welcome its visitors, be able to answer all their questions, treat them well, not waste their time, and create trust with what you offer as a product or service, and the list never ends.

There are so many expectations from a business website, and how can you not pay attention to this? A WordPress website for your business will aptly satisfy you.

But, don’t just believe this statement. Go ahead, and check the following out for the true reasons and we bet you will get convinced! 🙂

WordPress website is easy to manage and update

A WordPress website can be easily created from wordpress.com in just a matter of 2 minutes. For a nominal fee per month, you can have your domain name created and hosted, and start customizing your WordPress website. You don’t need to be an HTML coder for this.

A WordPress development agency can help you with the complete process to set up and create a beautiful website if you don’t want to get into it on your own. Once you get your WordPress website all to yourself, you can so easily manage and update any part of the website like the plugins, blog posts, web pages, images, etc. Most of them happen in some clicks.

WordPress is open source and provides a great community

WordPress is open-source, which means that you can find its source code publicly available. Also, you can edit its code and redistribute without any barriers.

Whatever the particular WordPress code has issues with, you or anybody can resolve them and use it. This forms a great active community with regular open-source and scheduled updates.

This factor also makes it ever-improving and ever-growing, as its users and developers use their real-time feedback and views and keep on making changes for betterment. You are ultimately not dependent upon any company for software updates and there are no risks attached.

WordPress keeps security on top

A hand-coded website doesn’t come with any security features. Hackers are on high alert all the time, but a WordPress website is almost always safe from them. Some basic measures to keep it safe on your own is to download any plugins and themes only from trusted sources.

Also, a lot of WordPress plugins are available that are meant to keep the malware away from your website boundaries. WordPress itself keeps updating its software regularly and often so that hackers cannot break through any walls of your website.

Moreover, if ever there’s a bad hacker attack, you can easily restore your website as there’s a backup already created for your WordPress website.

WordPress website is search engine-friendly

For your business website to show up on search results on Google and other search engines, it’s very important for your website to be optimized for search engines. Search engines prefer a certain framework that is easy to crawl and read, and WordPress simply offers that. It is designed in such a way that search engines prefer showing up a WordPress website to any other.

Also, there are a lot of SEO plugins that are structured in a way that even if you don’t know anything about SEO, you can simply follow its instructions and do your own SEO for all pages of your WordPress website. One of the best plugins for SEO is Yoast SEO.

WordPress website is mobile-friendly

More than the desktop, these days, a website is viewed on mobile devices, and also tablets. It’s very important for you to not to disappoint any of your visitors if they are browsing on a mobile, which is very likely to happen if yours is not a responsive design.

A WordPress website is responsive on all devices and you can accurately make required changes for different devices. This is such a huge factor in making the visitors stay on your website for long, else they won’t take a second to hit “Back” and hop to another website.

WordPress website supports integrations

A plain WordPress website is by itself a great one. But, for your business in particular, you can have access to a lot of third-party applications for different purposes. Integrations with these can give your WordPress website some added functionalities, anything like sending newsletters, accepting payments online, keeping track of website visitors, showing eye-catching pop-ups, and so on.

This feature makes WordPress so flexible and dynamic that you cannot go ahead without giving a thought to it. Its supposedly 41000+ plugins give that push to this feature.

WordPress website supports multiple users

Having a business is not really a one-person job. You will have a lot of users on your WordPress website to whom you’d want to allow access for different purposes.

WordPress allows the Admin to control this feature on his/her website. The users can be added according to the roles like super admin, administrator, editor, author, contributor, and subscriber. This is a powerful feature for your business website as you may want one of your users to make some changes on a blog post but don’t want that person to make changes to the settings, you can allow that limited access and work smoothly.

WordPress website can schedule content

A blog is an essential part of any business website. Creating a lot of content for the blog posts, editing them, creating featured images for them, optimizing the content, publishing the posts, and sharing them on all platforms, is a huge task in itself.

You or someone in the company will be assigned this task and to make things easy, regular, and on time, WordPress has this feature of scheduling posts. You can fix the date and time for a post and it will get published automatically. In a way, WordPress takes care of little things that do matter for any business to have a good presence online.


If you’re yet to make the final decision for your business website, you must give a try to the free WordPress website and explore the possibilities. WordPress offers huge options for free beautiful themes for website design. Once you’re convinced and ready to take off, you must switch to one of the premium themes by WordPress and start your business with a fully professional and responsive website.

If you need help with WordPress website development and management, contact us today. Looking for the best Web Application Development Company in Chennai? Get in touch with us!

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If you draw a Venn diagram of people, processes, and technology, Chid sits at the intersection. As chief product strategist at Siam, he leads research, design, and development efforts to bring user-centricity to the heart of every product we craft.

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