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Transforming diabetes care for over a 1million users


Lighterside of Real Estate

BeatO is an innovative Indian startup that focuses on revolutionizing diabetes management by offering a comprehensive platform of digital health solutions and personalized care for individuals living with diabetes.

About the project

Lighterside of Real Estate


BeatO, an Indian startup leading in diabetes management, has made significant strides in transforming care for over 1 million users by offering digital health solutions and personalized care. Facing challenges like accessibility in tier 2 cities and beyond, affordability of treatments, and the inconvenience of doctor visits, BeatO aimed to democratize diabetes care for 1.2 billion people, reduce India’s diabetes burden, and center quality care around patients.


To address these challenges, Siam initiated a comprehensive 5-step solution process, including stakeholder alignment, user interviews, external research, and iterative prototyping, leading to the creation of a user-centric platform.

These initiatives resulted in notable improvements such as a 13% increase in user onboarding, a 42% increase in user activation, and significant increases in app retention and care program entry.


Key Challenges

Lighterside of Real Estate


Solving for access and affordability

Over 90% of India’s diabetic population resides in tier 2 cities and beyond, making it difficult for them to access quality diabetes care.


Transforming from glucometer to care delivery

BeatO’s original value proposition was their glucometer. They wanted to reposition themselves as a care first company. 


Aligning multiple stakeholders

The shift in strategy needed comprehensive alignment of all stakeholders to buy into the new vision. 



Rapid time to market

In the fast evolving market, it was imperative that we get  to market quickly and iterate our solutions. 


Building for Scale

With over 134 million people projected to have diabetes in India, our product and technology solutions had to be built for scale.



Lighterside of Real Estate


Comprehensive discovery process

Our team interviewed over 50+ users across different user groups and cohorts to arrive at unique user insights. We backed that with SPRINT workshops with stakeholders to arrive at a product vision and roadmap. 


Increased engagement

We introduced a daily lifestyle score which gave users immediate feedback on lifestyle choices. Incorporating gamified elements like streaks and social rankings, this feature motivated users to maintain healthy habits. This helped us increase DaU & WaU. 


Simplified Onboarding

o enhance user engagement from the start, we introduced an onboarding journey tailored to individual user goals. This approach significantly improved the day 1 retention score and the overall task success ratio by aligning the app’s offerings with the specific needs and objectives of the user.


Revamping core modules

Identifying the existing core product loops that users were coming in for, we enhanced modules like monitoring workflow and the health records. This led to immediate increase in user engagement and overall user task success. 



Lighterside of Real Estate


increase in onboarding 


increase into the care purchase workflow


increase in glucose monitoring activation


increase in week 1 retention

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